Sunday, July 31, 2011

Python Multi-Build for Python Extensions Packaging - Report 4


This is the fourth report of my GSoC project for Debian. It has been a long time
since I wrote third report. So past four weeks a lot of things are implemented.

Firstly, I've changed tool's main script's name to py3build (removed .py suffix)
and make it executable so after you cloned my git repository you can use tool
with "./py3build".

I fixed a bug which occurs when the tool is invoked from somewhere except
its directory. If you invoke it like "./path/to/py3build/py3build" then the tool give
errors (f.e. could not find plugins etc.). Now this is fixed.

When I'm designing the API, I think if there is given build system (with
--system parameter) there is no need to invoke detect method but when
I'm writing autotools plugin, I realized that I need to learn which files are
exists and according to that information I'll invoke right thing (f.e. autoconf
or directly configure). So even if there is a given build system with --system
parameter its detect method invokes.

When I'm implementing plugins to tool, I need clean args (f.e. parameters
which are using with make clean) and install args (f.e. parameters with
make install) and I added it.

I added --dest-dir parameter this is passing to distutils plugin's root parameter.
In distutils plugin --install-dir parameter is passing as --install-platlib,
--install-purelib and --install-scripts so that maintainer can override it
with py3build's --install-args parameter.

Now, I implemented distutils, autotools, cmake plugins and working on
scons and packaging plugins. During the writing period of plugins I'm
testing them. After I finished these plugins I'm planning to write a patch
to dh and cdbs. After that I will write the tool and plugins for Python2.X.

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