Until today (24 May), I didn't blog regularly in *English*. I think after being accepted to GSoC writing a blog is a good (hmm, great) idea. By the way, I'm already writing a blog in *Turkish* at [1] address.
I'm too happy to be accepted to Google's Summer of Code. More important thing is I've been accepted to Debian GNU/Linux! This is unbelievable. Even after results are announced I can't believe that. Wonderful! I want to be more involved in Debian after GSoC.
My proposal is at [2]. And my project is about writing a tool to build Python extensions.
You can follow my GSoC progress from this blog or debian-python mailing list [3], I will write to this list about my project regularly.
Here is some decisions we took with my mentor Piotr:
* I will develop my project with GIT (under alioth), the address will be mentioned in my next mail.
* I will blog[2] about my progress (an email will be send here as well) every two weeks. (maybe more often)
* I will write the code in Python 3 and convert it to Python 2.6 (current Squeeze Python version) using Python 3 to 2 converter which I will write after I finished some important tasks on py3multibuild.
* I will focus on building Python extensions for Python 3 then I will backport the tool to Python 2.
This post is meant as introduction, my next one will contain more technical details.
Please do not hesitate to comment to my posts.
[1] http://mesutcank.blogspot.com
[2] http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2011/mesutcank/2001